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Welcome Message

We cordially invite you to attend the next Symposium on Alzheimer's Disease (3rd AD Symposium). After the success of the 1st edition (online) and 2nd edition (hybrid), which had over 400 participants, the 3rd Symposium on Alzheimer's Disease will attract international scientists and young students from all over the world. The AD Symposium continues to be at the vanguard of understanding the mechanisms and improving the therapy of Alzheimer’s disease. The next AD Symposium in 2025 will be held in the charming city of Porto, Portugal, from February 6-7, 2025.

On the first day of the event, several oral and poster presentations will take place, which will allow the presentation and discussion of recent scientific progress. On the second day, besides more presentations, there will be a workshop on the production and characterization of nanoparticles for loading bioactive compounds, providing the opportunity to learn about innovative nanoparticle production and characterization methods, biocompatible materials, commercial nanoparticles, and their current trends in the market. 

The best oral presentation and poster will be awarded.

Chaperone will offer 2 online sessions for the best oral and poster presentations. Know more HERE.


Contact us

FEUP - Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto

s/n, R. Dr. Roberto Frias, 4200-465 Porto

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This event was supported through national funds through FCT/MCTES (PIDDAC): LEPABE, UIDB/00511/2020 (DOI: 10.54499/UIDB/00511/2020) and UIDP/00511/2020 (DOI: 10.54499/UIDP/00511/2020) and ALiCE, LA/P/0045/2020 (DOI: 10.54499/LA/P/0045/2020). This work is financed through national funds from the M-ERA-NET3 network “ERA-NET for research and innovation in materials and battery technologies”, within the scope of the project with reference M-ERA-NET3/0001/2021 and 10.54499/M-ERA-NET3/0001/2021 ( device for glioblastoma therapy, funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P. FCT supported MJR under the Scientific Employment Stimulus-Individual Call-(CEEC-IND/01741/2021), DN (UI/BD/150946/2021), and MD (SFRH/BD/040932/2020). This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 958174.

©2025 3rd Symposium on Alzheimer’s Disease

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